About the programme:

Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya has adopted the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 2.0 program initiated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is a flagship programme of Ministry of Education (MoE) formally Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). The programme is inspired by the vision of transformational change in the processes of rural development by strengthening higher educational institutions to help build the architecture of an Inclusive India. The Mission of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is to enable faculty and students of higher educational institutions to work with the people of rural India in identifying region-specific challenges to development and evolving appropriate and realistic solutions for accelerating sustainable growth. It also aims to upgrade the capabilities of both the public and the private sectors in responding to the development needs of rural India.

Objective of the programme:

  • Encourage Indian   higher   education Institutions to engage with   problems of rural India and to provide   solutions for them.
  • Develop an academic framework for working on societal problems, their solution, delivery, reporting and assessment.
  •  Re-visit where necessary   the   curriculum in technical education in educational and research institutions to incorporate inclusive technologies for rural India.
  • Promote inter-disciplinary approach in higher education guided by live contexts.
  • Develop over time, research areas which have developmental significance, such as drinking water, education, health, agricultural practices, electrification, agricultural and rural industries cooking energy, watershed analysis.
  • Develop collaborations of academic institutions with key government flagship programs and develop formal course-ware for supporting the knowledge needs for the same.
  • Promote networking and coordination among various science and technology based voluntary organizations and developmental agencies.
  • Foster collaborations between governance, knowledge institutions and local communities.
  • Provide rural India with professional resource support from institutes of higher education, especially those that have acquired academic excellence in the field of science, engineering and technology, and management.
  • To identify the basic developmental and productive needs of a village and find ways and means to meet these needs.
  • Strengthen the technical design of interventions in key sectoral areas of natural resource management such as water and soil, economic activities such as agriculture and related production, or related to crafts and artisans, infrastructure such as housing, roads, energy.
  • Identify efficient, cost effective and sustainable development practices in the field.
  • Help grassroots organizations in innovating new products, and support rural entrepreneurs to develop neighborhood solutions.
  • Empower communities to dialogue with knowledge institutions in order to evolve technically sound and locally feasible development strategies that promote self-reliance.
  • Facilitate convergence of development schemes, resources, various planning and implementation initiatives, and coordination of agencies for successful  intervention and measurable outcomes.


Adopted villages:

The college has resolved to make the following adopted villages self-reliant through knowledge and practice:

  • AjabnagarGhatal Block, Paschim Medinipur district
  • DwandbipurGhatal Block, Paschim Medinipur district
  • GopmohalGhatal Block, Paschim Medinipur district
  • ManoharpurGhatal Block, Paschim Medinipur district
  • LaodaDaspur Block, Paschim Medinipur district

Preliminary Meeting with G.P. Members:

On 26th July, 2022, we had a preliminary discussion with the G.P. members of the 5 adopted villages to discuss the issues faced by them. The members welcomed our efforts to interact and were more than willing to share with us the issues/ problems faced by the local people of the villages.


Unnat Bharat Abhiyan covers various themes like organic farming, water management, renewable energy, the livelihood of artisans, and basic amenities like food, water, shelter, clothing, transportation, communication, health, etc. The college aims to facilitate the overall development of the adopted villages by combining knowledge and training.  The solutions designed will cater to the immediate and long-term needs of the villages by making the villagers self-reliant through knowledge and practice.


Activities in the adopted villages:

1.Awareness programme on Tree Plantation

2.Awareness Programme on Plastic free Campaign

3.Awareness Programme on Dengue

4.Programme on Free Education

5.Distribution of clothes to needy villagers


Survey for Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) Study

The college has scheduled its preliminary survey of the villages from July- August, 2022. A group of dedicated teachers and students will interact and collect data for Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) study and need assessment. Keeping in mind, the specific needs of the indigenous community in the villages, the survey will focus upon providing sustainable, innovative, cost-effective and implementable solutions to address the issues faced by the villagers.


Advisory Committee:

  1. Mr. Deepak Adhikary (Honourable President, GB, GRSM)
  2. Professor (Dr.) Mantu Kumar Das (Principal & Chairperson)
  3. Mr. Susanta Mandal (GB Member)
  4. Dr. Kaushik Ghosh (GB Member & IQAC Co-ordinator))
  5. Dr. Abinash Gayen (TCS)
  6. Mr. Dinesh Gope (NSS Programme Officer)
  7. Mr. Suvendu Nath Patra (NSS Programme Officer)
  8. Mrs. Rumpa Chakraborty (Member)


Working Committee:

  1. Mr. Anup Mondal (Teacher)
  2. Mr. Dinesh Gope (Teacher)
  3. Mr. Rajesh Sarkar (Teacher)
  4. Mr. Suvendu Nath Patra (Teacher)
  5. Students Volunteer (30)

Contact details of UBA coordinator of Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya:


Dr. Madhumita Mondal

Phone no.- 7872474754

Email- mmondal@grsm.ac.in



National Coordinating Institute:

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

National Coordinator: Prof V K
Email: vijayunnatbharatabhiyaniitd@gmail.com